For 3D points under similar scenario, given two matrices with the size of 3×N in each, we find the cross product of them, run SVD on the cross product, then the transform matrix is U×V whereas U and V are the two unitary matrices obtained by SVD. For 2D matching, the procedure is more complicated. The first step is to add one dimension. Instead of (x,y) and (x′,y′), now we have (x,y,1) and (x′,y′,1). This added dimension can be treated as a dimension for the infinite horizon. This new triplet is insensitive to scaling, which means that (x,y,1) and (kx,ky,k) represent the same pixel in the image. The cross product between these two triplets are 0:
The transformation between two images is defined as the projective transformation matrix P which is
Assuming that
Using the property that the cross product between (x′,y′,1) and (kx′,ky′,k) is 0, we have
This gives us three equations but only two of them are linear independent. The reason is that given
If aw−cu=0 and bw−cv=0, then av−bu=0 for sure.
With two linearly independent equations, we have
With N pairs of correspondences, we can construct a matrix M which has 2N lines
The last step is SVD USV=M. Then the last column of the matrix V corresponds to elements in matrix P since the last column of V is for the smallest Eigen value. It is the closest solution we can find for making
Sample Matlab source code for the whole procedure is shown below:
clear all; close all;
% to generate (x, y, 1)
srcPos = [-1483 853 4172 2572 -1196 -4241 308 4340 688 -4881
3308 497 -2142 2537 678 -4460 2792 -3701 -306 -1629];
[M, N] = size(srcPos);
srcPos = [srcPos.' ones(N, 1)].';
PM = [1 2 0
0 1 0
-0.01 0.01 1];
dstTemp = PM * srcPos;
dstPos(1,:) = dstTemp(1,:) .* (1 ./ dstTemp(3,:));
dstPos(2,:) = dstTemp(2,:) .* (1 ./ dstTemp(3,:));
dstPos(3,:) = dstTemp(3,:) .* (1 ./ dstTemp(3,:));
% (x', y', 1)
dstPos = round(dstPos);
M = zeros(2*N, 9);
for i = 1:N
M(2*i-1,:) = [0 0 0 srcPos(1,i) srcPos(2,i) 1 -srcPos(1,i)*dstPos(2,i) -srcPos(2,i)*dstPos(2,i) -dstPos(2,i)];
M(2*i,:) = [srcPos(1,i) srcPos(2,i) 1 0 0 0 -srcPos(1,i)*dstPos(1,i) -srcPos(2,i)*dstPos(1,i) -dstPos(1,i)];
% To estmate matrix P
[u, s, v]= svd(M);
h = v(:,9)/v(9,9)
PM_hat = [h(1) h(2) h(3)
h(4) h(5) h(6)
h(7) h(8) h(9)]
To estimate
the result of above code is
The offsets of -56.3469 and -14.1412 are due to rounding error. If we change dstPos = round(dstPos) in the code to dstPos = (dstPos). Then ˆP becomes
Using least square estimation here does not yield good results since we don't know k in
[kx′ky′k]=P[xy1](Added on 08/13/2016) Another way to solve this equation is this: since h1,...,h9 parameters have ambiguity in scaling, we can force h9=1. Then the equation can be rewritten as:
Equation in this form can be solved by least square method.